Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Mystery Has Been Solved!

The mystery we have been dealing with is actually a mixture of two situations. Here we have the finished project of the newly painted play set. We were busily ending the project at the end of a very hot day, and we spilled the remaining amount- which you had already guessed....

Here is Preston modeling it for you :)

The painting project took about two days to complete. Both days we had the neighborhood cat, Oscar, joining us. Each day he was hanging out by the fence and bush-ery area. No sweat, just a cat looking for some shade in this blasted hot climate. Right? Wrong.

The next night we were out BBQ-ing, and Preston comes over with something in his hand. Next thing I know, Tena is screeming at the top of her lungs: "Drop it, drop it!!!" It was a dead mouse. [you can't exactly see the mouse, he is in the grass. this is preston posing with the friend]

We decided to give Mr. Mouse a proper burial, including a grave, a prayer and a head stone. Rest in peace Mr. Mouse.

[not too sure about the helmet... a bit of protection against the mouse....]

So, there is the story, an overlapping of sorts :)

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