Saturday, February 20, 2010

Peace out 200's....

....I hope we never meet again!


Christy said...

You look great!!! Way to go!!!

Kristen said...

Holy crap, you look A-MAZING! You are an inspiration, for real. Keep it up. You're beautiful!

Korry.Taffee.Jaci.Milo said...

I LOVE your curves... You LOOK sooooooooo GOOD!! I hope we get to hangout SOON.... if this SNOW would stop we would be able to drive somewhere:)

Errin said...

way to go.. what is your diet?

Mallory said...

Ya baby!!!! No more! You are beautiful sissy!!! Love you!!

Anonymous said...

You GO girl! Amazing!!! You look great!!!

Dave and Lizzie said...

You look so pretty! You are wonderful. Great job!!

rebecca said...

good for you! woot woot!

Camilla and Tim said...

Monica! You look wonderful! Way to go, you are awesome! :)

Crystal Noel Perry said...

Woot woot! Rock it girl! How are you by the way? I miss talking to you!

ATLP said...

Strike a pose!

Whitney said...


Josh and Micah said...

whoop whoop!!
you look great! :) love you

camille said...

Congrats! If I didn't mention it the other day you looked fabulous! Hope to ese you again this month. Lets get that figured out

Ryan and Carli said...

Congratulations! You really do look awesome

Brimaca said...

Amazing! You look amazing. Good job Monica! It take a lot of will power - I know! :)

KelliAnn Christensen said...

I know it's already been said, but you look amazing!

Michelle said...

Congratulations. What an accomplishment, you should be very proud.

sagewillow said...

holly crap, you look HOT!!! way to go girl, your are my inspiration.

Micki said...

Wow. I just read your last few posts. I wish I'd read them a long time ago! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing all of that. It takes a lot of courage. The LDS 12 step meetings are awesome support systems, too, if you ever need an extra boost. I LOVE the meetings I attend. Keep it up, girl!