After about an hour of driving, back tracking and a little off roading, we came upon this sign. At first glance it said, Jones- I swear it did... So we followed it for another hour, hour and a half, before we decided to turn around and go back to Heber to hang at the hotel. We pass by the sign and decide to jump out and check out the situation. Maybe it had gotten turned around or something.... that's when we realized what it said. Oh man did heads start to roll! JAMES???? So then we were really back on the road to Heber. As we headed back down the dusty trail we came upon another paper plate...
LOL!!! I LOVE DEAN-O Paper plate sign!
We never said any of you have good eye sight!! WOW! Oh Well couldn't be a pretty place to get lost! But THREE HOURS!!??
who knew that paper plate signs were so popular!
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