Friday, June 6, 2008

Memories of the Rain

Yes Tena, my excuse for not blogging is work. I am starting to regret the second job. I didn't have much of a life before. Now, I really don't....
I apologize for the slack. I think it was on Wednesday that it was rainy here in Orem. I, of course, was slaving away in the kitchen at the good ol' Lion House Panty. For my lunch break (which is a lame 20 minutes), I bust it across the Mall to the Food Court. To shave off about 5 or so seconds, my fellow co-workers have found that if we take a short cut outside, you can get to the food court quicker. So, outside I headed. Because I was stuck inside, I had no idea it was raining. I open up the door and I was met with a rush of chilly fresh rain smelling air. My mind instantly was transported to Oregon. My home away from home. Faster than I could realize what was happening, I was re-living specific memories of mission life in the rain. As you can see in this first picture, we were out tracting- rain or shine. There is a common saying among missionaries: "The longer you tract,and especially the worse the weather, the hotter your eternal companion will be!" :) Missionaries are quite desperate sometimes. I have come to love the rain, even crave it. I was bummed to have to be at work. I was wanting to go for a walk desperately. It actually made me happy to be out in the rain for that 5 seconds.

It rains so much, that moss grows like carpet on the sidewalks!!


ATLP said...

SWEET! I love the new look! Oh my friend I would have to kill you if I told you my smiley secret! *Ü* I love the info about tracting! The secret under world of missionairies! Who would of thought! *Ü* I miss you! Come home..... It has been raining here. Just ask LP. Call and maybe we can work out a deal on the *Ü*!

Anonymous said...

It's to pink. I can't see anything. :) he he. Hey Monica it is nice to catch up and see how you are doing. Tena sent me here. *Ü*!(I know the secret. :)

Anonymous said...

You are being stalked! *Ü* *Ü*
Can you guess by who?!?!?! *Ü*